Elite Basketball Coach Luye Murphy
Elite Youth Coach Luye Murphy is based in New Zealand. Luye grew up in New York. Came to New Zealand and started coaching and playing for various teams when she arrived six years ago. She has been serving the New Zealand Basketball community ever since.
Coach Luye is no stranger to overcoming adversity. She was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome at a young age. She spoke able how she won the battle against it by playing sports. Now she faces the new challenge of coaching a boys’ team, which is rare to see a female coach in that position normally.
“I feel like they’re always coached by guys and that’s cool. And that’s traditional, right? Mostly guys, coach guys. And I can’t really say that is the same for girls because I noticed a lot of males coach the girls, obviously hoping that’s a change.”
Most importantly, Coach Luye shares some experiences and tips for young kiwi hoopers on what coaches are looking for. You don’t want to miss this episode.
To find out Coach Luye’s tips for young kiwi hoopers, head over to Spotify or Apple. Please make sure to subscribe to Kiwi Hoopers’ YouTube channel and leave us a 5-star review on your favourite podcast platform.
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