Mike Lacey of the laceylowdown.com. A long-time award-winning basketball writer based in Auckland. He is a big advocate of woman’s basketball and youth’s basketball in New Zealand.
He uses his blog does weekly update on how Kiwi hoopers are doing in their college
Lacey talked about how he fall in love with the game of basketball, his biggest “what if” in NZ basketball history, the best young talent that he have seen while he was coaching and his favourite kiwi hoopers.
“I went to a very traditional school in the UK, in Birmingham, and it was a rugby-playing school and we weren’t allowed to do any other sports,” Lacey said. “Finally, my fifth form year, we were allowed to play a bit of basketball and I was hooked on the game straight away. I loved it. Went to the teacher’s training college played there, and coach there. In my final year and that led me to coach against a guy who was a deputy principal at a local high school, and he basically got me the job without as much of an interview. So then I started coaching high school basketball again in the UK and played at the club level.”
“I developed my blog and yeah, it’s been successful. People take an interest, particularly because families and friends love reading about the kids they know are progressing both in high school and college hoops in the state. It’s really cool to follow the progress of players I’ve watched come from primary school and now they’ve gone through the high school and college system and now they’re playing professionally.”
When asked about his top 5 Kiwi hoopers of all time, Lacey said: “Kirk Penny, I think probably at the top of the list when he came back to play for the Breakers after his stint in college and then Europe, that he had NBA quality about him and his ability to score the ball was just something else, something we hadn’t seen in New Zealand. Phil Jones would be right up there as well…”
To find out what other players are on the list and hear Lacey’s biggest “what if” in NZ basketball, head over to Spotify or Apple. Subscribe to Kiwi Hoopers’ YouTube channel and leave us a 5-star review on your favourite podcast platform. You don’t want to miss this one.
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